Saturday, October 31, 2009 do you make them fade,fast??

Got a little frisky last night, and woke up with this darn thing..(Its been years since i've had
This kills me...I've never heard of all this before. As a healthcare provider I can tell you positively that it is something that has to run it's course. It is somewhat like a bruise in that blood has broken out of the vessels and is apparent under the skin. But hickeys have the added disadvantage of having had the blood draw up to even closer below the skin by the vacuum action. Thus the little red dots as opposed to a bruise. NOTHING can hurry your body to breakdown the blood and absorb it.just like a bruise. I like the green make-up answer...cuz' covering it is your only option.
put a red marker on it make it peramant marker and washable and your friends don't know.
Hickey's cannot fade fast. They are like a blood clot under the skin. The discoloration or bruising will stay until the spot heals itself. All I can suggest is to wear high collars...
Wow your question is taking me back. I don't know that there is a sure fire way but I can tell you what I used to do. I used to put ice on it for a few minutes and then take the back of a comb and comb over it and that seemed to make it lighter. If that doesn't work try makeup. Use a green base that will take out the red and then just use concealer or foundation to cover. Good luck!
protein is supposed to help the body a steak for dinner and hope for the best
toothpaste is said to work, but i really had no success with that one, the same goes for cold spoons, the best thing i have found is a hair dryer...not too hot, and a comb.(weird, i know) just blow on it and comb over it.
Man unfortunately, you just have to wait it out. I was dancing with a drunk girl at a club, she told me she liked me in college and she bit my neck and left a mark. I tried everything didnt work. So just wait it out homie!
you can not make them fade any faster i was always told as a teenager to put an ice cube on them but i don't know if that really works just get some make up and cover it up and wear a high collar until it is gone.. good luck
duh those answers suck. Gauranteed. take a thing of chapstick on the cap side and rub it over the hickey. rub hard for alittle whilei n little circles, it breaks up the somthing with the blood and it will fade and go away, but dont stop until you see its gone. Works like a charm, I know I had very overprotetive parent haha
ice or a cold spoon
u get the end of a chapstick and then put it on top of it and start twisting the skin with the chapstick!it works !!

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