so..i get cold sores A LOT! i don't have i don't know why i get them...i got them like last year in october and they completely covered my lips..i am not a dirty person at all so i don't know what they are from...i have two right now and one of them is really is really swollen! anyone know any cheap ways to get rid of these...i am a college student and have absolutely know money! Help Please! kind of embarrassing and annoying!!
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, and they're contagious. Please refer to the link below for prevention and treatment.
Try 2 tbls. of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 x day for its 93 vitamins and minerals. Heinz vinegar kills the bad bacteria from the inside out. Hair and nails grow. No more acne or depression. Quick energy too.
My hubby gets them bad but I work at a physician's office and we use samples of Valtrex or Famvir. Try Abreva that is OTC but my hubby says it doesnt work good. He has them right now too and they are growing down the side of his face out of the corner of his lip!! He hates them plus when he has them I am on kissing strike!!
you should probably use Carmex. They sell them basically anywhere and it always works for me.
carmex. just be sure you keep it on. eventually they will go away.
Wow, gee, you might wanna ask some doctor or take medicine or somthing. That must feel annoying...O_O
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--=(o.o)= %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;Look! It's a doctor! XDXD
Carmex works great on cold sores. It's where you get chap stick. It only cost like anywhere from 1.19 to 1.50. And last awhile. It comes in a little jar. If you get them that bad, I would keep one on you at all times and use it frequently. It also helps them from even breaking out. You know how you can feel one coming on, you get itchy on that spot and can feel a tiny bump, well if you put that on "frequently", it shouldn't even come on at all. Some people are just more prone to them I think. Good luck and go get some Carmex.
Yes, you do have herpes. It's not about being dirty. It's a virus, just like flu or chicken pox. If you're a college student, go to the health center. You pay for their services with you tuition. There are medications now that treat cold sores and keep them at bay. Your health center should be able to point you in the right direction. Good luck.
My dentist told me that it's a way of your body telling you that it needs more vitamins and all that good stuff. Try eating more things like carrots.
I used to have a lot of cold sores and canker sores inside my mouth. They ARE a type of herpes. For some reason I began to like pickled Pepperoncici Peppers. I craved them. I would buy the by the gallon to munch on. When the craving went away, so did the canker sores and 90% of the cold sores "fever blisters". My body evidently needed whatever the peppers had in them. I would soak the sore with juice and rinse my mouth out with juice. Worked for me. Pops
There are a couple steps I would take... the vinegar thing is great and it actually can help a bunch of different things... I personally take Lysine (it is a vitamin supplement)... I also recommend going by your colleges health center and taking advantage of their services... That is what they are there for and there are a ton of medications out on the market to help if your case is serious enough. Plus, as one other answer stated - they are contagious - - be careful.
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