Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! My Foot Hurts Real Bad!?

Okay, in soccer, some freak accidentally kicked me really hard on my right foot! So, I've had trouble walking on my right foot since, and my big toe got really swollen. Should I leave it and walk it off or go to a doctor and don't walk on it?
how long has it been? but, it sounds as though you've tried to "walk it off" already. so, sounds like you need to go to the doctor to get this checked out!take care!
walk it off you probley just brused inside.
go to your doctor - I sprained my ankle years ago and ignored foot troubles and now I'm suffering from achilles tendonitisDr would be able to give you help on how to avoid future problems
You don't say how long it has been since the incident. Normally treatment follows the pattern of RICE . . .
R - Rest . . . stay off the injury as much as possible
I - Ice . . .for the first 24 to 48 hours. After this time apply cold for 20 minutes, rest 20 minutes and heat for 20 minutes. The heat increases the circulation, aiding in healing by increasing the blood flow, increasing the oxygen and taking away toxins . . . .The ice reduces the inflamation.
C - Compression - That is why they use an ACE wrap to compress the tissues so gravity doesn't cause extra fluids to increase swelling. The general guideline is if it is below the heart, have compression on it. If you are laying flat, you can take off the wrap.
E - Elevation. Keep the affected part elevated as much as you can while it is swelling easily. If it has been more than 2 days, and you don't see healing begining, or if you just know something is wrong, check it out. There really isn't a way to know a simple fracture from serious tissue damage without an x-ray. Check it out! That way you can make an informed choice. You'll know whether to baby it, or walk it off. Don't try to be tough only to say years from now, "I'd only wish I'd known."Choose wisely! Good luck!
dont walk on will make it worse..tell the doc
It is probably a bruise, but you should go to the doctor in case of having a broken bone. The feet is made up of many bones.
Most likely than not, you probably have a bone bruise or something not very serious. However, there's an off chance that you may have a fracture. Usually, a non displaced fracture in the bones of the toes are treated by simple immobolization and off loading. However, the large toe carries almost half the weight when you ambulate and a fracture there must be addressed more closely. I would recommend visiting a foot doc. if the pain doesnt subside in a couple of days or you are having difficulties walking.In the mean time follow RICE therapy (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Ice it for a couple of days, no more. Try to put some compression on it using strips of an ace bandage or other compressive tape. Elevate your feet above your heart whenever possible.
soak it in epsom salts and water. get the water as hot as you can stand it without burning and mix in the salts. soak it until the water gets cool. do this a few times a day. if your foot isn't a lot better after one day, go to the doctor. you could have broke a small bone in the side of your foot. my aunt did and all she did was step off a ladder. but your foot should be swollen and bruised if it is broken and you wouldn't be able to bear any weight on it. hope you get better soon

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