Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help!! Nursing Question...?

I am under the impression that if you complete you RN-BSN program and then specialize in a certain field, such as a labor and deliver nurse, you make more money. But from what I hear L%26D nurses make about $25 an hour and RN's make $35 an hour. Why wouldn't you make more if you specialize?
All staff RN nurses make the same pay in a hospital that are involved with patient care. If you have a unit really understaffed they may offer incentive pay. In my hospital it is $2.00 per hour for nurses that work with cardiac monitors.
RNs make basically the same wages regardless if you have a BS, AD, or Diploma also regardless of what dept. you work. It would appear that a higher degree of education would merit more money, but it doesn't %26 only the powers that be knows why. The way to get more money is to get merit increases, cost of living raises, or things like this. Nurses don't have to have extra schooling to work in an area of a hospital, such as L%26D. When you complete your nursing school you apply for a position in the area you want to work. You become specialized in that area after working there for a period of time. The good thing about this is when you burn out in one area you can transfer to another dept. without extra schooling %26 specialize in that area the same way
I hope this has helped some.
Having been a nurse for 35 years that all depends upon what part of the country and what hospital you work in. It is usually market driven. For example a couple of years ago there was a shortage of RN's for OR/PACU so this group was given more per hours. Historically critical care has always got a differential due to the extra education required. However now our hospital has done away with this as Med/Surg nurses are in demand. Bottom line-do what you love and become really good at it...this will pay off in the end. Nursing is not about money and if you do it for that reason you will not be happy. You have to have other driving factors in a profession that is really labor intensive as well as all consuming mentally and physically. Good luck!
Depending on your expirience, you can make up to $50/ hr if you have a specialty area, Labor and delivery Nurses are RN's and I have been one for over 7 years. I am an asssociate degree nurse by the way, we all take the same tests, if you want to have a bachelors degree it does not ususally pay any more. Here in LA the average for having expirience is $25-$50 per hour you must have at lease one year expirience in Labor and delivery for most units but if you are hired on as a new Graduate, you may not make as much at first. Word of advice stay away from teaching facilities to learn to be a labor nurse, The expirience is usually not beneficial to you and you need the hands on of laboring a patient not just being a glorified CNA.
At facilities in my area L%26D nurses do not make less per hour. There are some areas that have differentials for a specialty. L%26D nurses tend to stay in jobs and that is usually not an area of high vacancy. In my area when you stay in a job for a number of years you can end up making less than some of the new hires coming in. Shortages and competetiton between health care facilities can drive up hourly wages. It is always best to be cautioous about what you hear about what people are making, its not always accurate. If you are interested in a job in a specialty go for it and see what they are willing to pay you. Do not be afraid to negotiate and ask about other things like sign on bonuses and loan repayments,. HR do not always volunteer this info, they will see if you ask first.

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