Sunday, October 25, 2009

Help! just got bitten by a centipede...any advise? do i need to go to ER?

just got bitten by a centipede, it hurts i need to go to the ER?
The Department of Drug and Poison Center says:
First aid for centipede bitesWash the bite site with soap and water.
Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel and apply on the area for 10-15 minutes to stop the pain and swelling. To prevent frostbite, do not apply ice directly on the sting area.
If there is eye irritation, rinse the eye under gently running cool water for at least 15 minutes. Prevent run-off water from entering the unaffected eye.
If you are well enough to write this question i would say not but go to a local GP and go from there. There may be toxins moving through your bloodstream and could cause more pain, paralysis or vomiting (depending on the toxin). Also it's important to know the name of the centipede or just what it looked like.
A centrepede is not poison to a human. Usually.
Unless you are allergic to them.
Don't go to the ER unless you start experiencing severe allergic reactions like swelling, extreme pain, redness in area and other sites, pain and trouble breathing, vomiting etc.Run it under some cold water for a while to take some of the sting and heat out of it. Then put some Bug Bite cream, which contain an antihistamine, on it and bandage if you want to. But not too tightly.
Watch for any adverse reactions.Just chill for now. and watch it.
Just get it cleaned out and watch forf any serous signs of infection or reactions to it. Call 911 or go to ER if you get really sick.

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