Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hexavalent chromium?

I work at a chemical plant in wilmington,NC contractor. Yesterday I was carried out by ambulance. Tongue swelling and burning extremely bad right eye started watering really bad. This happened shortly after eating lunch in an exposed area in a tent with sides open. Here's the catch not allergic to nothing. Working in new construction next to old section of existing plant that was in a shut down. With people breaking lines and hydroing them out. Got any answers. tks thomas
Workers who breathe hexavalent chromium compounds at their jobs for many years may be at increased risk of developing lung cancer. Breathing high levels o hexavalent chromium can irritate or damage the nose, throat, and lungs. Irritation or damage to the eyes and skin can occur if hexavalent chromium contacts these organs in high concentrations or for a prolonged period of time.

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