Saturday, October 31, 2009

HEY! PLEASE ANSWER! In regards to my previous question.10 points best answer!!`?

Previous question was:
Ok so I have chronic lower back pain and was given Percocet at the Er. I'm going to a dr. appointment and it will be her first time seeing me.will she probably follow up with the same meds, seeing as they have been the only thing so far to relieve my pain.Or do you think she will make me try something weaker, which I have tried all over the counter pain meds, Flexeril and Skelaxin and they didn't work
I want to know if there is anyone else who asked their dr for a specific med and got it without being looked at funny. I'm honestly worried they will think I'm just lookin to get high off them. But I am sincere and they really do work for me. Please just let me know how to talk to the dr and how it worked out for you.
Hon, I am a chronic pain sufferer (severe Fibromyalgia from 2 back to back accidents 5 yrs. ago, and now have been diagnosed with MS as well) so I know what you are talking about. Firstly, let me tell you that I am not on this site to collect points. To have someone give me a "best answer" doesn't make my day; what does make my day though is if I am able to help someone, who seems to be in real pain and is in need of an answer. OK? I am on a lot of meds. to include opiates, as well as Soma (a muscle relaxer that works for me). If the percocet really does help you, be honest with the doctor you are about to see. Explain your circumstances and if you feel that he/she thinks you are a "drug seeker" switch doctors. Pain Management is your best choice, as they are very knowledgeable, have extensive training and experience. Do not listen to the negative comments you are about to encounter. There are always those who think that you just want, but not need certain meds. Shrug it off and don't let it affect you. Trust me, I have encountered many people like that and you'll just end up doubting yourself and fall into a depression. I was lucky enough to find a good doctor and he understands fully what is going on with me. I have been referred to Pain Management, but being on Medicare, it's difficult to find a good one around my area. I am, in fact, bedridden, due to my dibilitating condition. Don't despair or lose hope. If Percocet helps you then make this clear to your doctor. If you need to talk, pls. don't hesitate to look me up and I'll talk you through it. I hope and pray that you can be helped and find the right doctor; however, it may take some time. Lower back pain is one of the most common problems in pain management all around the world, for the lower back is what "carries" your body. Have you tried physical therapy? How about moist heat? In my case it's too late for all of those, actually, I have tried it all but it might just help you. Everyone reacts differently to treatment and/or medication. And just for the record, yes, the more opiates you take, the more you are going to end up needing. It's a hellish circle but with the help fo the right doctor, you can at the least get some relief from your pain. Also, ask for an MRI to rule out bulged or damaged discs. Like I said, if you ever need someone to talk to, I promise, I'll be here and answer as openly and truthfully as I can. To live with daily pain is aweful and I am so sorry that you are experiencing it but I am very sincere in my answers. Again, don't even listen to those negative people on here that make you sound like you are a pain pill seeking "junkie". Most of them have no clue what they are talking about until they "walk a mile in your shoes" they should just keep their nasty comments to themselfs. Please, please, don't even give them a second thought. You'll always run into people like them. But there are also some real nice people here that really do try and help. Take good care of yourself and I hope and pray that you find relief and a good physician. Sincererly, MsB.
i dont think there is an actual solution to lower back pain.try homeopathetic medicines and medical massage^^.
She will probably give you something weaker. You can doctor shop like Rush Limbaugh and eventually find a doctor who will prescribe you what you want. However, I think you can approach it subtlety to your doctor if she gives you weaker meds by telling her how much pain you are in, assuming you are still in pain, right? Unfortunately, people do lie to get painkillers, so don't be surprised if the doctor is cautious about giving them to you.
it depends on how long you ben on them,if you been on them a while he won't give it to you,have you tried Aleve,Tylenol arthritis strength,Motrin,even a strong Ibuprophen? thes are better than drugs yu can get addicted to and have long term after affects.
The doctor will assess your information, such as job, family life %26 make an educated %26 experienced assumption of your intentions. If your doctor suggests not staying with the percocet, tell her that you will not take anything else. Do research on the other pills you have tried. For example, I am diabetic %26 have neuropothy. My doctor wanted to put me on neurontin... but I did research on it %26 found out that a huge amount of ppl who took neurontin were commiting suicide.I went back to my doctor %26 told him that I am a family man with 2 beautiful kids %26 a great job and a nice life with a great future... i will not abuse the drug... but i refused to take neurontin. He felt my sincerity, and prescribed me vicodin.That was 3 years ago. He now trusts anything I say because I proved myself to be mature enough to handle the vicodin without abusing it. He prescribes me vicodin anytime I ask him for it.You have to earn the doctors trust because their livelihood is on the line everytime they prescribe a drug that can be abused or sold to an abuser for profit.Hope this helps.Enjoy your day!
There is a possibilty that she will give you something weaker. But if you feel that percocet is the only thing that relieves the pain inform her that you have tried other meds and percocet is the only things that allows you to function throughout the day without pain. If you tell her that she may keep you on it. It always depends on the doctor though, some are super cautious and start with the weakest medicine and go up...Good Luck.
i have to agree with descar...somethingsomethingwha... Unfortunatly they MAY perscribe a higher dosage and thats determined on you pain tolerance at this time...weither its gotten better or worse
Pain pills only "mask" the problem. Request an MRI be done to diagnose what type of back problem you are having and location. Mention to the doctor the severity of the pain you are in and the doctor will prescribe accordingly...
Try 600 mg of Motrin, then 800 mg of Motrin. Best thing for lower back pain is 15 to 30 minutes using a very warm moist heating pad. The kind that produces its own moisture. The doctor doesn't know which meds work best for you, only you know which ones do. Take the ER paperwork with you showing the meds you're taking now..An orthopedic sports medicine doctor listens to what works best for you. Ask for a script for your meds with 3 refills.
It just depends on the doctor and how you present your case. Most doctors I work with will listen to the patient as far as what they've already tried, what does and does not work, and what is currently working really well. Tell him clearly that Percocet is the only thing thus far that you've found to relive your pain. If he is compassionate, he will listen. If he is suspicious, you may not get what works for you. Good luck.
Back, neck and leg pains affect all people..usually adults.
hav you ever had any such pain in ur child hood the answer should be no i guess..
so wt happened..its basically wear and tear of ur muscles..
wear and tear mean u r not using ur muscles properly. u hav mentioned u go 2 the gym but i suggest you to do afew regular exercises at will defenitely solve ur problem
i can tell it from my experience.
include more vegetables in ur diet make fruits a must in ur diet and find out which physical exercises can help u strengthen ur muscles..i never recomend those u do in a gym and not lifting of weight. it helps to strengthen ur muscles but at this stage u need some other ones that are 2be specific to those muscles which are worn down
Another important thing is check ur matress and ur chair u sit in ur office..
the matress should be firm..try sleeping on the floor use a blanket or something for a few days..and walk regularly for 30 min every day..hope u will be fine in a month..
u may need some calcium and a natural some reserch online and look for some simple exercises involving only u not any gadgets..cheers
Do not specifically ask for a drug by name. Rather, you should act ignorant about it and just tell her the doctor gave you something like (mispronounce name or bring empty bottle in) this seems to work pretty good. This way she doesn't think your an expert at this. If she gives you something weaker like darvocet wait a 1 1/2 to 2 days and complain it's making you sick.
Don't ask for more, just let her know what you have tried and that the Percocet worked. You may have to be referred to a pain management specialist if you need to be on chronic narcotics, as primary care doctors are reluctant to prescribe narcotics for long periods of time. They get little training in pain and its effects and look at it as a symptoms rather than a disease in and of itself. Pain Management docs get extensive training in treating pain and know and understand that pain is a disease that can be as deadly as cancer. Like I said, explain to her what you have tried in the past, take your bottle of Percocet from the ER with you, and tell her that it worked for you. She will make a determination as to the best course of action. You might want to look into pain clinics anyway if Percocet works best for you.Also, DO NOT listen to the answerer who said to ask for refills, as first of all, Schedule II drugs CANNOT have refills written on the original prescription. You must go to the doctor for a new prescription each time. Second of all, if you ask for a specific narcotic and refills, then you really will look like a junkie.

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