Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How are medical and hospital waste beeing treated? (Please read details)?

I have a research to do on how the hospital wastes are treated. And what are the dangers of disposing these wastes in the environment?If you can provide details and online resources, that would be great, thank you for your help.
Wastes are generally incinerated. Some waste goes to the sewage system. Medical sharps may go back to be remelted.
Defacation and Osmoregulation goes to the toilet. Soiled linen is sent to the cleaners in the hospital. Medicines-Old etc get incinerated past there use date. Tools, knives are cleaned in a washer that gets vary hot or sometimes in an oven. Waste that is infective or transmits any problems gets incinerated. Waste streams are recorded monthly-those of interest.

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